1、果实套袋 1. Fruit bagging 果实套袋是最简便的驱鸟方式,同时也能防病虫害、农药、尘埃等对果实的影响。套袋时一定要选用质量好、坚韧性强的纸袋。在鸟类较多的地区可用尼龙丝网袋进行套袋,这样不仅可以防止鸟害,而且不影响果实上色,但是成本相对较高。 The fruit bag is the easiest way to repel birds, but also can prevent diseases, pests, pesticides, dust and other effects on the fruit. When bagging, must choose good quality, strong paper bag. It is possible to use nylon mesh bags to carry out bags in more birds. This will not only prevent the birds, but also will not affect the color of the fruit, but the cost is relatively high. 2、架设防鸟网 2. Set up an anti-bird network 在山区的果园最好采用黄色的网,平地果园采用红色的网,同时也能防止冰雹灾害,每年采收后必须收起来。 The orchard in the mountainous area is best to use yellow net, the flat orchard USES the red net, also can prevent hailstorm, the annual harvest must be collected. 3、果树扎红布 3. The red cloth of the fruit trees 喜鹊鸟比较害怕红色,只要把红色的布条挂在树上,喜鹊和麻雀等自然会避而远之。 Magpies are afraid of red, so long as they hang the red cloth on the tree, the magpies and sparrows will avoid it. 4、反光膜驱鸟 4. Reflective film exorcise 果园地面铺反光膜,反射的光线可使鸟害短期内不敢靠近果树,同时也利于果树着色聚氨酯软管 PVC软管 隔离墩模具 u型槽模具 护坡模具 pvc输送带 尼龙输送带 天津除甲醛 北京除甲醛 。 The orchard floor is paved with reflective film, which can prevent the birds from getting close to the fruit trees in a short time.