首先我们要弄明白驱鸟剂的原理,很多农民朋友把驱鸟剂按照一般农药的使用方法来使用,这是不正确的,鹰派驱鸟剂的保定平面设计培训 收费岛模具 挡土墙模具 防撞墙模具 防撞墙模具 防撞护栏模具 大棚遮阳网 遮阴网特殊性就在于它利用的是鸟类的嗅觉、味觉来进行驱避,麻痹鸟类的神经系统,从而达到驱鸟的效果。 First of all, we have to understand the principle of the bird repellent, many of the farmer's friends use the use method of the generalpesticide, which is not correct. The peculiarity of the hawk repellent is that it uses the smell and taste of the birds to repel, paralyze the nervous system of birds, so as to achieve the effect of the bird. 乳油驱鸟剂在使用时应注意以下几点: Attention should be paid to the following points when using emulsifiable bird repellent. 1、大风天或施药前3个小时有降雨请勿喷药,施药6小时后有降雨需重喷. 1, rain or spray 3 hours before spraying, do not spray, 6 hours after spraying, heavy rain needs to be sprayed again. 2、建议下午4、5点以后为最佳喷雾时间. 2, it is recommended that after 4 pm and 5 pm, the best time to spray is recommended. 3、驱鸟剂无毒,对人畜无害,但不可食用. 3, bird repellent is non-toxic, harmless to human and animal, but not edible. 5、使用驱鸟剂时应戴好口罩、乳胶手套,不慎接触皮肤或溅入眼睛,应用大量清水冲洗至少15分钟. 5. When using bird repellent, you should wear masks, latex gloves, accidentally contact your skin or splash your eyes. Rinse with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. 6、驱鸟剂应贮存在干燥、阴凉、通风、防晒处、远离火源,置于儿童触及不到之处. 6, bird repellent should be stored in dry, cool, ventilated, sunscreen, away from fire sources, placed in children's reach.