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[来源:来自网络] [作者:不详] [日期:22-06-28] [浏览次数:]

鸟虽然体积小、飞行速度不快,但飞机速度很高,当鸟与飞机相向飞行时,它们之间的相对速度就会很大。数据表明,一只体重为1.8公斤的鸟与时速为550公里的飞机相撞,将产生25吨的冲击力,飞机相当于遭到了一枚炮弹的袭击。 鸟类和野生物撞击每年给美国民航造成了6亿美元的损失,保守估计,每年给全世界的航空业造成了15亿美元的损失。
Although birds are small in size and slow in flight, the speed of aircraft is very high. When birds and aircraft fly in opposite directions, the relative speed between them will be very large. Data show that a bird weighing 1.8 kilograms collides with an aircraft speeding 550 kilometers per hour, producing 25 tons of impact, which is equivalent to being attacked by an artillery shell. Bird and wildlife impacts cost US civil aviation $600 million a year, conservatively estimating that they cost the world's aviation industry $1.5 billion a year.
在过去的20年间,全世界有220人死于鸟撞,鸟撞不仅给乘客的生命和财产带来了巨大的损失和危害,而且造成了航班延误等许多间接经济损失,毕竟,乘客的生命安全的重要性大于一切。鸟撞飞机现在被世界民航组织定义为A级空难的重大危害之一。 [2-3]
In the past 20 years, 220 people around the world have died of bird crashes. Bird crashes not only bring huge losses and hazards to passengers'lives and property, but also cause many indirect economic losses such as flight delays. After all, the importance of passenger life safety is greater than everything else. Bird crashes are now defined by the World Civil Aviation Organization as one of the major hazards of Class A air crashes. [2-3]
撞鸟一般有两种情况:鸟撞在飞机机身上,或是被吸入发动机。后者的危流水槽模具 u型槽模具 电缆槽模具 隔离墩钢模具 护坡砖模具 钢制闸门 螺杆式启闭机 卷扬式启闭机害最大。双发、多发飞机撞鸟后,可以关闭打坏的发动机,用其他发动机航行着陆。我国著名的空军飞行员李剑英驾驶的战机是单发机型,因此发动机一旦吸入鸟就会导致飞机失去动力。
Birds collide in two ways: they collide on the fuselage of an airplane, or they are sucked into an engine. The latter is the most harmful. When two or more planes collide with birds, they can turn off the damaged engine and use other engines to navigate and land. China's famous air force pilot Li Jianying drives a single-engine aircraft, so once the engine inhales birds, the aircraft will lose power.

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友链: 全自动软水器 保定洗地机 保定电动门 模锻件 隔离墩模具 卷扬式启闭机 尼龙输送带 不锈钢铸件 铜鼎 保定代理记账 保定空压机 水泥电杆
