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[来源:原创] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-02-07] [浏览次数:]
近年来,随着人们环保意识的增强和生态环境的不断改善,大自然中生活的鸟类种群、数量及活动范围也逐渐扩大。由于我国输电架空线路大多在野外运行,一旦出现故障,不容易排查,受鸟类活动的影响比较大。据国家有关部门统计,受鸟类在铁塔上筑巢、栖息引起的短路、跳闸等事故呈逐年上升趋势。 In recent years, along with the people environmental protection consciousness enhancement and the continuous improvement of the ecological environment, the nature of the life of the bird populations are gradually increasing range, quantity and activity. Because our country most transmission overhead line running in the field, once appear, fault, it is not easy to troubleshoot, affected by the activities of birds is larger. According to the relevant state departments, the birds nest on the Eiffel Tower, habitat caused by short circuit, tripping accidents such as rising trend year by year. 鸟害事故的频繁发生,使电网的安全稳定运行受到了严重威胁,增大了电网运行的维护成本。为了保障输电线路的安全稳定运行,避免由于鸟类筑巢而导致的电力事故,我公司专门研发了一款智能语音驱鸟器。智能语音驱鸟器是专门为电力部门设计的防鸟设备,主要用于杆塔线路,变电站室外驱鸟,也可用于果园驱鸟。 Bird damage accidents occur frequently, did a serious threat to the safe and stable operation of power grid, increase the maintenance cost of the power grid operation. In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of the transmission line, avoid the birds build their nests and cause electric power accident, my company developed a special intelligent voice QuDiao. Intelligent voice QuDiao device is specially designed for the power sector repelling equipment, mainly used for tower line, substation QuDiao outdoor, also can be used in the orchard QuDiao. 据报道,内蒙古鄂温克某地变电站基层线914接地,给牧民群众正常的生产生活造成了一定。调查发现,事故原因是10KV线路上有一鸟窝中一铁线搭到高压立瓶上,造成线路直接接地。庆幸的是,事故未造成人员伤亡和财产损失。工作人员在经过数小时的有序工作后,拆除了鸟巢上的铁丝,并在配电变压器上安装了三个智能语音驱鸟器。基地分支线路也恢复了正常送电。此后,这类事故再也没有发生过了。 According to the report, the ewenki nationality in Inner Mongolia in substation base line 914 grounding, nomad people caused a certain normal production and living. The survey found that there is a bird's nest on the cause of the accident is 10 kv line of a wire to the high pressure set on the bottle, line directly grounded. Fortunately, the accident caused no casualties and property losses. Staff in after hours of work orderly, dismantling the wire on the bird's nest, and installed in the power distribution transformer three intelligent voice QuDiao. Base branch lines also returned to normal power. After that, this kind of accident has never happened. 另据报道,在浙江某湖泊风景区,每年秋冬季节鸟患、马蜂窝频发,经常发生鸟患引起的电力事故。为此,该地供电局组织人员在清巢巡线的同时安装了近千套智能语音驱鸟器,消除了鸟患,为电网的安全运行奠定了坚实的基础。 According to reports, a lake scenic spot, in zhejiang each year qiu dong season, frequent hornet's nest, bird bird of electricity caused cancer frequently occur. To this end, the area of power supply bureau organization personnel in clean nest patrol at the same time to install nearly thousand of intelligent voice QuDiao, eliminates the bird, for laid a solid foundation to the safe operation of power grid. 智能语音驱鸟器是利用鸟类学仿生技术和高科技电子技术结合原理,以低功耗智能控制芯片为核心,采用最新数字语音芯片存储库技术,完全智能化设计播放顺序、频率,系统默认开启多普勒雷达探测、拾音器探测,当探测到鸟类靠近时,启用系统发出老鹰声源、猎枪声源等方式吓阻鸟类靠近变电站、农作物,以达到驱赶鸟类的效果。 Intelligent voice QuDiao device is the use of ornithology bionic technology and high-tech electronic technology combined with the principle of low-power intelligent control chip as the core, using the latest digital voice chip repository technology, intelligent design completely playback sequence and frequency, the system default on doppler radar detection and pick-up, when detected the birds near, enable the system sends the eagle sound source, shotguns sound way to deter birds such as close to the substation, crops, in order to achieve the effect of driving birds. 智能语音驱鸟器在驱赶鸟类的又不伤害鸟类,是维护电网安全稳定运行的理想产品。该款产品行销全国各地,适用于我国南北方各种气候地理环境。深圳特力康开发的这款智能语音驱鸟器,帮助电力部门和农户有效解决了一直困扰他们的鸟患难题,受到了广大用户的交口称赞! Intelligent voice QuDiao without harming the birds birds in driving, is an ideal product to maintain the safe and stable operation of power grid. The product marketing all over the country, be applicable to the north and the various climate geographical environment in our country. Shenzhen leacom development of the intelligent voice QuDiao, help the power sector and farmers effectively solved the difficult problem has plagued their birds with, praised by the masses of users!
版权所有保定市博纳特机械设备制造有限公司 技术支持:保定遨游公司 网址:www.hbbonate.com.cn
地址:河北省保定市保定●中关村创新中心 办公室/传真:0312-8927691 销售热线:13582291829 15831529958 驱鸟专线:15831529958
友链: 全自动软水器 保定洗地机 保定电动门 模锻件 隔离墩模具 卷扬式启闭机 尼龙输送带 不锈钢铸件 铜鼎 保定代理记账 保定空压机 水泥电杆
