当前位置:首页 >公司动态 >> 为了航空安全,不得不驱鸟
[来源:原创] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-02-21] [浏览次数:]
航空安全最大的威胁既非飞机本身也不是极端天气,而是“鸟击”,三成左右的飞行事故就源于此。为了航空安全,不得不驱鸟。但如何在不伤害鸟类的情况下驱鸟、遇到伤鸟如何救治?记者近期在云南昆明长水国际机场进行了实地采访。 Airline's biggest security threat is neither the plane itself is not extreme weather, but the "bird", about thirty percent of the accident is from then on. Have to QuDiao to aviation safety. But how in the case of do not harm birds QuDiao, encountered injury birds how to treat? Reporter recently in yunnan kunming long water international airport has carried on the on-the-spot interview. 栖息鸟类多,驱鸟压力大 Resident birds, QuDiao pressure 全球8条主要鸟类迁徙通道中,两条经过云南,昆明恰处于两条通道的中间位置,是候鸟迁徙重要中转站。昆明长水机场周围水库、湿地众多,森林覆盖率较高,吸引了大量鸟类在机场附近栖息,给航空安全带来巨大威胁。据不完全统计,长水机场周边栖息的鸟类超过130种。 Global eight major bird migration channels, two through yunnan, kunming, just located right in the middle of two channels, is an important transit point migratory birds. Kunming long water reservoirs, wetlands around the airport is numerous, the forest coverage rate is higher, attracted a large number of birds perched near the airport, brings a great threat to aviation safety. According to incomplete statistics, long water surrounding habitat of more than 130 kinds of birds at the airport. “一般而言,个体小的比个体大的威胁小,单独活动的比群居的威胁小。”长水机场鸟击防治室副主任李自韬介绍,“威胁最大的是灰头麦鸡,体型相对较大,喜欢群居,又常常在傍晚或拂晓活动,部分甚至干脆就在附近的乌西湿地越冬。”目前,经常在机场活动的灰头麦鸡已经超过千只,并且数量还在不断增加。 "In general, the threat of individual small is bigger than the individual small, separate is smaller than the threat of social activities." Long water Li Zitao introduction, deputy director of the airport bird control room "the biggest threat is the grey head lapwing, volume is relatively large, like social activities, and often in the evening or dawn some or simply in a nearby uzzi wetland winter." At present, often at the airport activities of grey head lapwing has more than one thousand, and the number is growing. 每年9月到次年3月是候鸟迁飞时节,对航空安全影响最大。李自韬介绍,候鸟不熟悉机场环境容易误闯,加上有些候鸟在夜间迁徙,增加了机场的驱鸟难度;鹰隼等猛禽一般飞行速度较快,会及时避让飞机,“倒是麻雀等小型鸟类数量多、飞行高度低,对航空安全威胁不小”。 A year removed from September to march of next year is migratory birds fly season, the biggest impact on aviation safety. Li Zitao introduction, migratory birds are not familiar with the airport environment is easy to break, plus some migratory birds migrate at night, increased airport QuDiao difficulty; Eagles and other birds of prey fly faster commonly, can avoid the plane in time, "is the sparrow small birds such as quantity, low altitude, a big threat to aviation safety".
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