当前位置:首页 >公司动态 >> 新型驱鸟神器
[来源:原创] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-04-01] [浏览次数:]

鸟是人类的朋友,人类在爱护鸟类的同时也受到鸟类的困扰。鸟类在输电线路铁塔上筑巢、便就是一个令人头痛的问题。这是为什么呢?原来是这样的,小编给你细细道来:高压架空线路的鸟害主要是指,因为鸟类建巢,过长的稻草等造成线路对杆塔放电,造成线路跳闸,或者因为鸟类粪便,造成绝缘子或其它设备障碍,导致线路出现问题的情况,这就是鸟害,这就是为什么我们驱鸟、捅鸟巢! Birds are friends of human, human love birds birds at the same time. Birds nest on the transmission line iron tower, it is a headache. Why is this? Turned out to be such, small make up to give you detail: the sound of high voltage overhead line is mainly refers to, because the birds nest, long straw discharge line to the tower, such as line tripping, or because of the bird droppings, insulator or other equipment obstacle, cause the line appear problem, this is the sound, that is why we QuDiao, stabbed the bird's nest! 为了让鸟儿远离我们的设备,我们也算是煞费苦心啊,来看看我们发明一般的非智能驱鸟器! In order to keep birds away from our devices, we also is painstakingly, to have a look at our invention of non intelligent QuDiao commonly! 反光式驱鸟器 Reflective QuDiao 防鸟刺 The bird thorn 其他的驱鸟器就不一一介绍了,下面着重说说我们今天要介绍的驱鸟“神器”吧。说起这驱鸟神器,我们还得感谢集宁水电车间主任何明,何主任积极借鉴集通公司大板水电段驱鸟经验做法,利用PVC管自制驱鸟装置,效果显著,下面我们就来详细了解了解! Other QuDiao not introduce one by one, the emphasis on what we want to introduce today's QuDiao "artifact". Speak of this QuDiao artifact, we still have to thank He Ming JiNing hydropower foreman, so great a positive reference set tong, director of the company board hydropower QuDiao experience of practice, use of PVC pipe and homemade QuDiao device, the effect significantly, let's to learn details about! 驱鸟“神器”名称:槽形驱鸟器 QuDiao "artifact" name: trough QuDiao 使用材料:直径350mm或者250mm的PVC管 Use material: 350 mm or 250 mm diameter PVC pipe 安装位置:电力耐张杆横担处 Installation location: electricity tension rod cross arm

版权所有保定市博纳特机械设备制造有限公司 技术支持:保定遨游公司 网址:www.hbbonate.com.cn
地址:河北省保定市保定●中关村创新中心 办公室/传真:0312-8927691 销售热线:13582291829 15831529958 驱鸟专线:15831529958
友链: 全自动软水器 保定洗地机 保定电动门 模锻件 隔离墩模具 卷扬式启闭机 尼龙输送带 不锈钢铸件 铜鼎 保定代理记账 保定空压机 水泥电杆
