当前位置:首页 >公司动态 >> 见识各种驱鸟高招
[来源:原创] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-05-04] [浏览次数:]

见识各种驱鸟高招 See the various ways of driving birds   刚刚开上场道,闫鹏菲抬手按了电脑操作屏幕上的一个按钮,顿时从头顶上传来一阵杂乱而凄厉的鸟鸣声,听得久了,头皮都有点发紧。“这是各种鸟类死亡时发出的声音,有研究表明,同类死亡时发出的声音对鸟类有很强的恐吓作用。”闫鹏菲丝毫没有受影响,带着淡淡的笑容解释着。工作时,炮塔上的两个高音喇叭要一直播放着这段声音。 Just started to play, 闫鹏菲 hand pressed a button on the PC screen, immediately overhead the squeal of the birdsong, there was a burst of disorderly and listened for a long time, are a little tight. "This is the sound of the various birds that have died, and studies have shown that the sound of the same kind of death has a strong threat to birds." Yan pengfei was not affected at all, and explained with a faint smile. At work, the two loudspeakers on the turret have to play the sound all the time.   向前走了一段,闫鹏菲发现场道周边的草坪中有几只鸽子,又抬手按了驱鸟车上的另一个按钮。“轰、轰”接连两声炮响,鸽子四散乱飞,眨眼间飞离机场围墙。看到记者担心的眼神,他连忙说:“放心吧,鸽子不会受伤。这是炮塔上的煤气炮,让煤气在炮筒中爆炸,发出巨响惊吓鸟类。” Walking forward, yan pengfei found a few pigeons in the surrounding lawn and raised his hand to another button on the drive. "Boom, boom" followed by two gunshots, the pigeons flying in the air and flying off the wall of the airport in the blink of an eye. Worried look in the eyes see the reporter, he hurriedly say: "stop worrying, pigeons. This is the gas on the turret gun, let the gas explosion in the gun barrel, noise frighten birds."   在行至一处草丛时,闫鹏菲对记者说:“我们平常不仅要对鸟类进行驱赶,还要时刻控制场道边草的高度,根据工作经验,必须将草丛高度控制在10-15厘米左右,这样最不易吸引鸟类。机场的水土很好,夏天的时候,一场雨下来,草就会疯长,而且蚊子很多,能把驱鸟车的前窗全布满。” When reached a grassy 闫鹏菲 told reporters: "we not only need to keep the birds, but also the moment to control the height of the roadside grass, according to the working experience, must be grass height control in 10 to 15 centimeters, so that the most difficult to attract birds. The airport of soil and water conservation is very good, in the summer, a rain, the grass will gallop, and mosquitoes a lot of, can put QuDiao car front window is full of all."   “不仅如此,为减少鸟类在机场周边栖息的可能性,我们还要定期清除机场周边的鸟巢,最多的时候一天能清理5-6个。”闫鹏菲说。 "Not only that, in order to reduce the possibility of birds around perched at the airport, and we also need to regularly remove the perimeter of the airport bird's nest, up to a day can clean up five or six." 闫鹏菲 said.

版权所有保定市博纳特机械设备制造有限公司 技术支持:保定遨游公司 网址:www.hbbonate.com.cn
地址:河北省保定市保定●中关村创新中心 办公室/传真:0312-8927691 销售热线:13582291829 15831529958 驱鸟专线:15831529958
友链: 全自动软水器 保定洗地机 保定电动门 模锻件 隔离墩模具 卷扬式启闭机 尼龙输送带 不锈钢铸件 铜鼎 保定代理记账 保定空压机 水泥电杆
