当前位置:首页 >公司动态 >> 【航空安全】机场驱鸟绝招有哪些?
[来源:原创] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-05-16] [浏览次数:]

鸟是人类的朋友。它能够消灭危害农作物的害虫,五颜六色的羽毛,俏皮可爱的动作给我们带来了无尽的欢乐。对于有的人来说,每天早晨能伴着鸟儿欢快清脆的歌声中醒来,别提是多么幸福的一件事了。 Birds are human friends. It destroys the pests that harm crops, the colorful feathers, and the playful actions that bring us endless joy. For some, it is a happy thing to wake up every morning with the chirping of birds. 但机场附近的鸟类却是民航人的心头大患。从人类从事飞行活动之初,鸟类就被认为是对飞行活动的一种威胁。飞机被鸟类撞击,轻则航空器表面结构受损,航班返航备降;重则发动机被摧毁造成几百万的经济损失:甚至机毁人亡,后果不堪设想。 But the birds near the airport are a major concern for civil aviation. Birds are considered a threat to flight from the beginning of human flight. The plane was struck by a bird, and the surface of the aircraft was damaged. The heavy engine was destroyed and caused millions of economic damage: even the destruction of the machine, and the consequences of its failure. 图1 埃塞俄比亚鸟击坠机惨状 Picture 1 an Ethiopian bird strikes a crash 据FAA(Federal Aviation Administration;美国联邦航空管理局)统计,每年美国有超过1万次鸟击飞机的事件,其中最常见的危害是损伤发动机,这类损伤一年要造成航空业9.5亿美元的损失。同样,近几年我国运输类飞机因鸟击导致的事故征候占总事故征候的很大比例,是数量最多的事故征候类型之一。频繁且严重的鸟击事件使得鸟击事件得到重视,目前国际航空联合会已把鸟击升级为A类航空灾难。鸟击对于民航的打击是沉重的,因此鸟害防治显得尤为重要。 According to the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration, the Federal Aviation Administration), the United States has more than 10000 times a year bird strike aircraft, including the dangers of the most common is the damage to the engine, such as the loss of the damage caused to Aviation industry $950 million a year. Similarly, in recent years, the number of accidents due to bird strikes in China has been one of the most numerous accidents. Frequent and serious bird strikes have made the bird-attack more important, and the international aviation federation has upgraded the bird to A category A aviation disaster. Bird strikes are a serious blow to civil aviation, so bird prevention is particularly important.

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