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机场驱鸟 更是护鸟
[来源:原创] [作者:aowl] [日期:18-04-17] [浏览次数:]
周边栖息鸟类超130种,驱鸟压力不小 There are more than 130 species of birds perching around, and the pressure of the birds is not small. 全球8条主要鸟类迁徙通道中,两条经过云南,昆明恰处于两条通道的中间位置,是候鸟迁徙重要中转站。昆明长水机场周围水库、湿地众多,森林覆盖率较高,吸引了大量鸟类在机场附近栖息,给航空安全带来巨大威胁。据不完全统计,长水机场周边栖息的鸟类超过130种。 Of the 8 main migratory passages in the world, two passes through Yunnan and Kunming is located in the middle of two channels. It is an important transfer station for migratory birds. The Kunming Chang Shui airport has a large number of reservoirs and wetlands, with high forest coverage, which attracts a large number of birds to perch near the airport and poses a great threat to aviation safety. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 130 birds inhabiting perimeter of the long water airport. “一般而言,个体小的比个体大的威胁小,单独活动的比群居的威胁小。”长水机场鸟击防治室副主任李自韬介绍,“威胁最大的是灰头麦鸡,体型相对较大,喜欢群居,又常常在傍晚或拂晓活动,部分甚至干脆就在附近的乌西湿地越冬。”目前,经常在机场活动的灰头麦鸡已经超过千只,并且数量还在不断增加。 Generally speaking, small individuals are less threatening than individuals, and solitary activities are less threatening than social interactions. Li Zitao, deputy director of the bird strike prevention and control room of Chang Shui airport, said, "the biggest threat is the grey head chicken, which is relatively large and likes to live in gregarious, often in the evening or dawn, and partly even overwintering in the nearby wusxi wetland." At present, often at the airport the grey headed Lapwing has more than 1000, and the number is increasing. 每年9月到次年3月是候鸟迁飞时节,对航空安全影响最大。李自韬介绍,候鸟不熟悉机场环境容易误闯,加上有些候鸟在夜间迁徙,增加了机场的驱鸟难度;鹰隼等猛禽一般飞行速度较快,会及时避让飞机,“倒是麻雀等小型鸟类数量多、飞行高度低,对航空安全威胁不小”。 Every year in September to next March is the season of migratory birds, the biggest impact on aviation safety. Li Zitao introduced that the migratory birds are not familiar with the airport environment, and some migratory birds migrate at night, increasing the difficulty of the airport's drive; the hawk and falcons and other Raptors usually fly faster, and will avoid the aircraft in time. "It is small birds such as sparrows, low flying height, and no small threat to aviation safety." 技术驱鸟、爱心救治,为安全也为护鸟 Technology drive birds, love treatment, for safety and for birds. 长水机场建设前,就对鸟情进行了详细调研并购置了驱鸟设备,如今更是每年划拨专项经费用于驱鸟、护鸟。 Before the construction of the long water airport, bird survey and bird repellent equipment were purchased. Nowadays, the special funds allocated to birds and birds are allocated annually. “通过激光驱鸟系统、集束强声驱鸟车、粘鸟网等一系列设备,实现了声光结合、远近结合、从地面到高空的立体式综合驱鸟。”长水机场鸟击防治室主任张峰说,为防止鸟类“适应”驱鸟设备,各种措施会交替使用,以确保效果。 "Through a series of equipment such as the laser drive bird system, the cluster strong sound drive bird car, the sticky bird net, and so on, the stereoscopic integrated drive birds with sound and light combination, far and near combination and from the ground to high altitude have been realized." Zhang Feng, director of the bird strike prevention office at Changshui airport, said that in order to prevent birds from adapting to birds, various measures will be used alternately to ensure the effect.
版权所有保定市博纳特机械设备制造有限公司 技术支持:保定遨游公司 网址:www.hbbonate.com.cn
地址:河北省保定市保定●中关村创新中心 办公室/传真:0312-8927691 销售热线:13582291829 15831529958 驱鸟专线:15831529958
友链: 全自动软水器 保定洗地机 保定电动门 模锻件 隔离墩模具 卷扬式启闭机 尼龙输送带 不锈钢铸件 铜鼎 保定代理记账 保定空压机 水泥电杆
