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[来源:原创] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-05-09] [浏览次数:]

在海军航空兵部队中 In the naval air force 有一群水兵被誉为“净空卫士” A group of sailors is known as the "net air guard." 他们长年累月与“愤怒的小鸟”斗智斗勇 They spent years fighting the angry birds 可谓使出了十八般“武艺” This is the best way to do this. 他们是如何防范机场撞鸟事故的呢? How do they prevent a bird crash at the airport? 海苔哥为您拆解“招数” Herdago dissolves the "tricks" for you. 基本功篇 Background paper 成为一名的“净空卫士” Become a "pure air guard" 必须要熟练掌握基本驱鸟技能 You must master the basic exorcish skills 1、驱鸟剂 1, QuDiao agent 威慑值:★★☆☆☆ Deterrence: yes, it is 这种含有氨水等化学成份的驱鸟剂,会散发一种特殊的气味,达到熏跑鸟类的效果。 The chemical, which contains chemical compounds such as ammonia, gives off a special odor to the effect of the smoked bird. 不足:由于机场空旷、面积大,这种药剂需要倒入玻璃容器放在草坪上,且定期进行补充,遇到大风然而并没有什么用。 Inadequate: due to the airport empty, the area is large, the agent needs to pour into a glass container on the lawn, and added on a regular basis, meet wind, however there is no use. 2、假人 2, fake people 威慑值:★★☆☆☆ Deterrence: yes, it is 在机场有那么“一群人”,他们24小时守护在机场跑道周边,威慑鸟类入侵。他们就是驱鸟队员用塑料模特精心设计的假人。 At the airport, there are "a bunch of people" who are guarding the runway around the airport for 24 hours to deter birds from invading. They are the dummies designed by plastic models. 不足:机场面积大,假人的数量多,需要定期变换假人的位置,因为鸟儿也不是那么好骗的,时间长了,它们就懂了…… Inadequate: the airport area is large, the number of dummy, need the different position of dummy regularly, because the bird is not so good cheat, time grew, they learned... 3、猎枪 3, shotguns 威慑值:★★☆☆☆ Deterrence: yes, it is 近年来随着生态驱鸟的意识逐步增强,猎枪射杀鸟类已基本绝迹,官兵们通过用猎枪发出的声音进行驱赶鸟类。 In recent years, with the increasing awareness of the ecological exorcist, the hunting of birds has been largely extinct, and the soldiers have been using a shotgun to disperse the birds. 不足:猎枪驱鸟成本过高,且存在一定的安全隐患。 Inadequate: the cost of hunting a shotgun is too high, and there is a certain safety hazard. 4、驱鸟网 4, QuDiao network 威慑值:★★★☆☆ Deterrence: yes, it is 为了避免机场成为鸟儿的“食堂”。驱鸟队员还在机场周边用驱鸟网搭建起一张天罗地网。这种驱鸟网的网丝极细,晴天光照下,泛出白光,与天空浑然一体,眼尖的鸟儿根本无从察觉,往往会自投罗网。 To avoid becoming a "dining hall" for birds. The exorcius also set up a skynet with a dragnet net around the airport. The net filament of this kind of exorcise net is very thin, the sunshine of sunshine, white light, and the sky are a whole, the birds of the eye of the eye are not able to detect, they tend to be self-trotting. 爱心:通常驱鸟队员每天第一件是除了驱鸟,就是沿途将这些不慎误入陷阱的鸟放归大自然。 Love: usually the first thing a member of the exorcist will do is to exorcist the bird, which is to release the birds into the wild.

版权所有保定市博纳特机械设备制造有限公司 技术支持:保定遨游公司 网址:www.hbbonate.com.cn
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友链: 全自动软水器 保定洗地机 保定电动门 模锻件 隔离墩模具 卷扬式启闭机 尼龙输送带 不锈钢铸件 铜鼎 保定代理记账 保定空压机 水泥电杆
