根据研究,首先、鸟类的听觉是人类的10倍,对声音极其敏感。某个频率范围内的声波对鸟类有很大的刺激,比如会使鸟感到烦躁和不安。瞬间的高声压频率对鸟也有一定的惊吓作用。 According to the study, birds are 10 times more auditory than humans and are extremely sensitive to sound. Sound waves within a range of frequencies are very exciting to birds, such as making the bird feel irritable and upset. Instant high acoustic frequency is also a shock to the bird. 第二、很对鸟类对老鹰也很恐惧,高仿真的老鹰叫足以惊吓鸟类; Second, it is very frightening for birds, and the highly simulated eagle is called enough to frighten birds. 第三、鸟类永远怕听到猎人的枪声,高仿真的猎人的枪声足以惊吓鸟类; Third, birds are always afraid to hear the gunshots of hunters. 第四、传统的风力驱鸟就是利用鸟类怕太阳反射光的原理,利用高亮度的LED频闪光也足以惊吓鸟类; The fourth, the traditional wind-driven bird is the use of birds for fear of the sun's reflected light, which can be used to startle birds with high-brightness leds. 河北金能电力科技股份有限公司生产的驱鸟器的特点: The characteristics of the exorcizer made by hebei jineng power technology co., LTD. : 智能综合驱鸟器装置一改传统的物理驱鸟器和简单超声波驱鸟装置的弊端,提出了“双探测、四手段、高智能”智能综合驱鸟装置,具有如下功能: Intelligent integrated QuDiao unit change traditional physical QuDiao apparatus and the disadvantages of simple ultrasonic QuDiao device, puts forward the "double probe, four means, high intelligence" intelligent integrated QuDiao device, has the following features: 双探测: Double probe: 具有雷达技术主动探测鸟类的靠近,若探测到鸟类靠近,立即启动驱鸟; Radar technology actively detects birds near, and if birds are approached, start the exorcius. 具有高灵敏拾音器探测鸟类声音,若探测到鸟类声音,立即启动驱鸟; A highly sensitive sound pickup that detects the sound of a bird, and if it detects a bird's voice, start the exorcius immediately. 四手段: Four methods: 具有高亮度的强光频闪灯,利用强光驱赶鸟类; They have bright bright light flashing lights, which use strong light to disperse birds. 具有四方向的超声波发生器,利用超声波驱赶鸟类; An ultrasonic generator with four directions, which USES ultrasound to drive birds away. 具有高仿真模拟枪声,利用枪声驱赶鸟类; There is a high simulation of gunshots, using gunshots to disperse birds. 具有高仿真模拟老鹰叫,利用老鹰叫驱赶鸟类; There is a high simulation of the eagle, and the use of the eagle to drive the birds away. 高智能: High intelligence: 装置为了防止鸟类的适应性,不仅利用扫频模式,不断变换频率;而且具有学习功能,收集成功驱赶鸟类的频率,提高驱鸟的效率。 In order to prevent birds from adapting, they are not only using the sweep mode, but also changing the frequency. And it has the learning function to collect the frequency of the birds and increase the efficiency of the birds.