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[来源:原创] [作者:aoutmy] [日期:17-11-30] [浏览次数:]

According to the civil aviation Chinese bird strike aircraft information online data, in 2013, the airport, the airlines and aircraft maintenance company and other relevant departments were reported in Chinese mainland more than 1000 bird strike events, due to the above symptoms caused by bird strike accident of flight accident number 27%. Bird strike has become the first large aircraft incident type. In order to effectively prevent bird strikes and ensure better aviation safety, various airports around the world have adopted various bird repellent measures in view of the frequent activities of birds around and around the airport.
粘鸟网: 在机场周边挂上透明的丝织鸟网,形成一堵透明的墙,鸟类飞过时很容易被粘住。
Bird: stick around at the airport on the silk net hanging transparent, formed a transparent wall, easily stuck flying birds.
稻草人: 采用最传统的稻草人驱鸟方式,就是将稻草扎成人形,吊在空中随风飘动来驱鸟。这一方式操作简单,成本也低。
Scarecrow: the most traditional way to drive the birds by the scarecrow is to tie the straw into a human form and float in the air to drive the birds. The operation is simple and the cost is low.
Inflator: hold a set of human shaped materials to prevent air leakage on the blower. The human shape material stands or falls with the blower's inhalation and drum up.
驱鸟队: 很多机场都有专门的驱鸟队,他们结合机场及周围的生态特点,在鸟类密集的地方,手持特殊装备驱赶鸟类。有时,驱鸟队会使用鞭炮、猎枪,靠响声驱鸟。
Bird repellent team: many airports have special bird repellent teams. They combine the characteristics of the airport and their surrounding areas, where birds are concentrated, and they are equipped with special equipment to drive birds. Sometimes, the repellent team will use firecrackers, shotguns, and drive birds by sound.
驱鸟车: 把几个驱鸟设备集成在一台车上,驱鸟员开着驱鸟车巡场。
Drive bird car: a few drive birds equipment is integrated into a car, and the drive bird is driving the drive bird car patrol field.
Firecracker bomb: install the device similar to the fireworks in the ground launcher, set off at the start and fall of the aircraft and disperse the birds with a great noise.
Gas gun: use a device that can only make sound without causing damage. It takes the gas powered, controlled by computer, every few minutes issued a "bang" boom sound, make birds heard.
驱鸟模特: 驱鸟模特儿是利用“稻草人”原理,设计成仿真人模型,扎在草地中,以吓跑鸟群。
Drive bird model: the drive model is designed to use the "Scarecrow" principle, designed as a real life model, in the grass, to scare away the birds.
机械老鹰: 在飞机跑道起降两端安设一只“机械老鹰”。当麻雀无意间靠近“老鹰”时,“老鹰”立即发出巨大的叫声,并不停展翅,吓得鸟儿一声惊叫,扑腾着翅膀,快速逃离。
Mechanical Eagle: set up a "mechanical Eagle" at both ends of the runway and landing. When the sparrows inadvertently close to the "Eagle", "Eagle" immediately issued a great cry, do not stop wings, frighten the birds cried, fluttering wings, quick escape.
Coloured wind wheel: the model of windmill is built with colorful reflective materials. It uses rotary or reflective bird repellent measures to reflect the sunlight and frighten the birds away.
以鸟攻鸟: 利用训练有素的苍鹰、秃鹫等猛禽来驱赶机场附近的其他鸟类。法国巴黎的戴高乐机场和美国纽约肯尼迪机场都有由10余只猛禽组成的驱鸟队,每天警惕地守卫在机场跑道周围的上空,保卫着飞机安全。
The bird of birds: the use of the Hawks, vultures and other Raptors trained with regularity to drive other birds near the airport. There are more than 10 birds of prey in the Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris, France, and the New York J.F.Kennedy.Apt Airport. They are vigilant guarding the air around the airport runway every day, guarding the safety of the aircraft.
航模驱鸟: 将玩具飞机制作成猛禽的样子,人工遥控其在机场上空飞翔,从而将其它鸟类驱离机场上空。
Model drive bird: make the toy plane like a bird of prey, manually control it to fly over the airport, and drive the other birds away from the airport.
Sonic repellent: in the airport, we use directional or omnidirectional long-range acoustic emission device to warn, deterrent and drive away distant targets, so as to drive birds in the ground and in the air.
激光驱鸟: 在机场围界内,利用激光电筒或安装可旋转的激光驱鸟设备,用绿色激光束横扫机场,迫使鸟儿飞走。在黎明、黄昏、下雨、大雾天气等气象条件下,激光驱鸟效果最显著。
Laser driving birds: at the airport around the industry, use the laser torch or the installation of rotating laser equipment bird, with a green laser beam swept the airport, forcing the birds fly away. In the weather conditions such as dawn, dusk, rain, fog and so on, the effect of laser flooding is the most significant.
Bird detection radar: in real time, we provide airport bird control personnel with the level and accurate location of harmful birds in and out of the airport. It is like an electronic telescope in the airport, which enables us to detect birds in all directions and continuously.
Bird drive system: a design and manufacturing scheme for an intelligent airport intelligent bird drive system that is optimized in a variety of ways of wireless control. The effective combination of sound, light, electricity, action and odor can enhance the effect of the displacing birds.
Warning: in the machine under the wings and nose with bright colors, the birds take the initiative to avoid using aircraft warning color role in biology, also can be coated with fluorescent material, the night when irradiated with light can play a role in warning.
UAV driving birds: a way of bird repellent with an unmanned oil powered helicopter as a flight platform. It provides voice and visual stimulation by noise and different colors of gasoline engine, so as to achieve the purpose of driving high flying birds. The UAV can fly up to 800 meters of air.
Ecological Governance: using a variety of ways to destroy the bird's living environment, control the bird's nest in the food chain, birds, water or food on the barriers to prevent birds nesting, foraging, landing, thus reducing the attraction of birds. For example, we can effectively reduce the factors that attract birds by changing lawn, increasing mowing frequency, clearing rubbish in the field, rationally planting crops and reducing the water in the airport.

版权所有保定市博纳特机械设备制造有限公司 技术支持:保定遨游公司 网址:www.hbbonate.com.cn
地址:河北省保定市保定●中关村创新中心 办公室/传真:0312-8927691 销售热线:13582291829 15831529958 驱鸟专线:15831529958
友链: 全自动软水器 保定洗地机 保定电动门 模锻件 隔离墩模具 卷扬式启闭机 尼龙输送带 不锈钢铸件 铜鼎 保定代理记账 保定空压机 水泥电杆
