1.果实套袋 1. fruit bagging 果实套袋是最简便的防鸟害方法,同时也防病、虫、农药、尘埃等对果实的影响。套袋时一定要选用质量好、坚韧性强的纸袋。在鸟类较多的地区可用尼龙丝网袋进行套袋,这样不仅可以防止鸟害,而且不影响果实上色,但是成本相对较高。 Fruit bagging is the most convenient method of anti bird, at the same time also influence disease, insects, pesticides, dust and so on fruit. When bagging, we must choose a paper bag with good quality and strong toughness. Birds in more areas available nylon mesh bags for bagging, which can not only prevent bird damage, but does not affect the fruit color, but the cost is relatively high. 2.架设防鸟网 2. set up bird proof 防鸟网既适用于大面积的果园,也适用于面积较小的果园,在山区的果园最好采用黄色的防鸟网,平原地区的果园采用红色的防鸟网。在冰雹频发的地区,应调整网格大小,将防雹网与防鸟网结合设置。但防鸟网成本较高,而且使用寿命短,每年果实采收后必须收起来,比较费工,而且受烈日暴晒和风雨侵蚀容易老化破裂。 Bird proof applies to both the large area of the orchard, also suitable for small area orchard in Mountain Orchard had better use the yellow bird proof, plain with anti red net orchard. In the hail prone areas, should adjust the grid size, and will hail net bird proof set. But the bird proof and high cost, short service life, the annual fruit must be collected, post harvest work, but also by exposure to the sun and wind and rain erosion easily broken. 3.驱鸟器驱鸟 3. bird repellent repellent bird 近两年,有些地区开始使用智能语音驱鸟器。据报道,智能语音驱鸟系统可持续、有效地实现果园、农田、鱼塘的广域驱鸟,最大有效面积可达3.3公顷(50亩),目前已成功应用在樱桃、枸杞、葡萄、梨、苹果、杨梅、谷子等作物上,驱鸟效果较好。 In the past two years, some areas have begun to use intelligent voice repellent devices. According to reports, wide area intelligent voice bird repellent system, effectively realize sustainable farmland, orchard, fish pond bird, maximum effective area up to 3.3 hectares (50 acres), has been successfully applied in crop cherry, Chinese wolfberry, grapes, pears, apples, red bayberry, millet and so on, the bird is better. 4.驱鸟剂驱鸟 4. repellent repellent bird 驱鸟剂主要成分为天然香料,稀释后对树冠喷雾,雾滴黏附于树冠上,可缓慢持久地释放出一种影响鸟类中枢神经系统的清香气体,鸟雀闻后即会飞走,有效驱赶,不伤害鸟类。 Bird repellent is mainly composed of natural spices, diluted to spray droplets adhered to the crown, the crown, can slow sustained release of a gas fragrance of birds in the central nervous system, smell after birds will fly away, effectively drive, not to hurt the birds.